of Obstetrics
& Gynecology |
Department started in 1965.It is a MCi recognized
department. There is 24 hours functioning Labour room &
Caesarean OT. Major Gyane OT is run four days a week &
10 OPD subunits run six days a week.
Facilities in OPD :
- ANC, PNC & Family Welfare.
- Gynae Checkup, Infertility & Cancer OPD.
Facilities in P.P.O.T. :
- M.T.P., Tubectomy
- Colposcopy,
- L.E.E.P.
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Hysteroscopy
Facilities in Indoor :
- Obstetrics Admission including
Management of high -risk patients.
- Facilities for L.S.C.S. & complicated Obstetrics
- Facilities for admission & management of common
Gynecological Problem as well as
malignant conditions.
- Facilities for major Gynecological operations
including NDVH, Radical hysterectomy & plastic
surgeries like tuboplasty & vaginoplasty..
OPD Facilities - ANC OPD, GynaeOPD, Cancer
OPD, Menopausal OPD, Prenatal Diagnosis OPD, PNC OPD HIV
testing & counseling, PPOT Monitor Procedures, MTP, TT,
LTT, Endometrial aspiration, Biopsies.
Facilities in Indoor
- Two unit available, No of beds for each unit-50
- Facilities for L.S.C.S. & complicated, Obstetrics
Surgeries, Facilities for admission & management of
common Gynecological Problem as well as malignant
- Facilities for major Gynecological, operations
including NDVH, Radical hysterectomy & plastic surgeries
like tuboplasty & vaginoplasty.
Achievements & Research
In the past 5 years the achievement are as below. |
We have developed various specialty OPD like
infertility, cancer, postnatal & family welfare.
In past 1 year year total number of NDVH done is 155,
which has drastically reduced patient morbidity.
Various types of oncology surgeries including
wertheim’s hysterectomy for carcinoma cervix.
Plastic surgeries like tuboplasty & vaginoplasty have
been successfully done.
Department has conducted various workshops, CME’s &
Conferences of different aspects.
Courses |
MD/MS Obs. & Gyane
Department is actively involved in training of LTT, MTP
& training and teaching of Paramedicals, BPT, ANM, Dais,
Departmental faculties are involved in training of NACO
& RCH.
Department is a study development center of PGDMCH
course of IGNOU.
Symposium &
Seminar |
1 Indian menopause Society
Workshop, Raipur on 11th & 12h July 2008.
2 5th Annual State Level Conference on Pre Natal
Diagnosis & Colopscopy, Raipur on 27th &
28th September 2008.
3 Role of Syntometerine in 3rd stage of labour. |
Head of
Department |
Name |
Dr. Jyoti Jaiswal |
Designation |
Professor & HOD |
Qualification |
MS (Obs. & Gynae.) |
Contact No |
0771- 2890092 |
Email Id |
- |
Details of Teaching Staff |
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